Hope Episcopal Church
The little church with the big heart!
Hello and Welcome to Hope Church. Whoever you are and wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to join us for worship, community, and fellowship. We hope that you will find something in our faith community that speaks to you. Please use this web site to get to know us better.
Rev. Bradley Mattson, Rector

& Events
Service Schedule
All worship services are available on Youtube.
Please join us for lunch following the Service each week.
All are welcome! Weather permitting, we also have the ability to seat about 20 people outside in our picnic area.

A message from our Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan
Hope Church is a faithful and caring community that gathers to praise God, participate in the sacramental life of the Church and work together to serve God’s mission through outreach efforts wherever the love of God is needed.
Hope Church has a long and vibrant history, and a bright future. The parish is currently in a period of transition, having recently said goodbye to its retiring minister. In the Episcopal tradition, this period is marked by the process of discernment, reflection and dreaming for the future.
The Episcopal Church is our expression of the Jesus Movement that offers an inclusive and supportive space to learn and grow and that believes that God loves all of us, without exception. We value the dignity of every human being and are especially committed to the Care of Creation, Racial Justice and Reconciliation, and Sharing God’s Story.
As Bishop of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, I hope that you will visit Hope Church soon and discover our dynamic and loving parish.
In the Way of Love,
The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan
XI Bishop The Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania