Community Service
at Hope Episcopal Church

Pastoral Care
The Ministry of pastoral care is at the heart of our church life. It is the giving of comfort, spiritual care and guidance to people in need. It may include hospital visitation, counseling, listening, support, responding to human need and shared presence (fellowship).
Pastoral care implies respect for the dignity of every human being regardless of individual difference of any kind that we may have among us.
Pastoral care is provided to church members and nonmembers alike with a loving presence and in a nonjudgmental way.
Service to God begins with the commandment to “Love our neighbors as ourselves”. To do the work necessary for developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with God, we must begin with sharing and providing for those in need.
It is our objective to help the needy with basic needs assistance: food, clothing, housing, utilities, prescriptions, medical care, and a safe living environment. In addition to giving a “fish” to the needy we support programs and organizations that teach needy people “how to fish”.

Covid-19 has not slowed down our joy in giving!

Some of the organizations we support are:
Manheim Food Bank
Autism Project
Prison Ministry
Domestic Violence Intervention
Teen Central
Doctors Without Borders
Episcopal Diocese of Navajoland
Mom’s House
Puerto Rican Aid
The Trevor Project
United Thank Offering
Lebanon Food Bank
Disaster Aid
Toys for Tots
Central PA Diocese Projects
Equal Justice Initiative
Matthew 25 Ministries