
The Rev'd Bradley L. Mattson - Rector

In the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, Bradley serves as Convener of the Lancaster Convocation of Episcopal Churches, is a member of the Council of Trustees, and sits on the board of advisors of the Bishop Dean T. Stevenson School for Ministry.

As a bi-vocational minister, Bradley also maintains an active career as a credentialed Financial Professional, where he has built a private practice working with individuals, businesses, and non-profit clients for the past twenty years, with a focus in insurance and estate strategies.

Bradley attended Drexel University, The Foundation for International Education in London, England, is a veteran of the U.S. Army, and Graduated from the Dean T. Stevenson School for Ministry.  He was ordained in October of 2021, and is deeply committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how the organizational development of the church is advanced through deep faith, collaborative discipleship, and commitment to Holy Scripture. 

He comes to the Anglican Tradition through the Church of England where he was embraced and made dear friends, and that has resonated into a deep love for the Episcopal Church as his spiritual home.

A passionate gardener, woodworker, and musician, he lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania where he and his wife, Rev. Jennifer Mattson love tending their home and garden while building their life together with their four children, Anna Gail, William, Thomas, and Elizabeth Grace.


The Rev'd Nancy Lesher - Deacon

Deacon Nancy grew up in the United Church of Christ in Ephrata but after moving to Southern Maryland, fell in love with the deeply rooted feel and the beautiful liturgy of the Episcopal Church. Drawn to service to children and youth, Nancy taught Sunday School and ran youth group for many years and then started a Journey to Adulthood program at Middleham and St. Peter’s Parish in Solomons Island, MD. She planned and chaperoned a Journey to Adulthood pilgrimage to Scotland for 17 youth. Completing Education for Ministry was the beginning of Nancy’s discernment of a call to ordained ministry and she was ordained a vocational deacon in June, 2011 at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Baltimore, MD.

After retiring from her first career as a Medical Practice Manager, Nancy moved to Pennsylvania and enrolled at Millersville University and earned a BS in Early Childhood Education. After graduation, she taught third grade at a Catholic school in Middletown.

Nancy and her husband, Steve, live in Lititz. Between them they have six children and six grandchildren who live all over the east coast. In addition to serving the wonderful people at Hope, Nancy spends lots of time with her grandchildren and traveling with her husband.


Ms. Katie Brown - Parish Administrator

A wife and mom of 4 busy boys, Katie felt the drawn to the Parish Administrator position when it became vacant in the Spring of 2023. Katie is a lifelong Lutheran and started attending Hope church with her husband, Jeremy – who is a lifelong member of Hope Church, when they moved to Manheim in 2018. 

Katie feels right at home in the office at Hope Church, having experience in church administration at her home church in Ohio. 

After spending a year abroad as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student in Brazil, Katie earned her Associates Degree in Business and Photography from Antonelli College. In addition to keeping the church office running smoothly, she helps manage her family’s Golf Course, doing freelance photography jobs and running her Lularoe Mobile Boutique. 

She enjoys gardening, music, golfing, and kayaking with her family and volunteering on the committee for her kids Cub Scout Pack. 


Ms. Gail Edgell - Organist Emeritus

Gail comes from a rich heritage at Hope Church dating back to the early 1900s. Her grandparents, aunts, uncles, numerous cousins and other family members have worshipped at Hope Church where they enjoyed Sunday School and singing in the Cherub Choir.

She was baptized, confirmed, and married at Hope and calls Hope Church “home”.  For over 50 years, she has been involved in various worship, music and children’s ministries.

Gail plays the piano, organ and guitar. She has served on mission teams in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Florida and Jamaica and continues to serve locally for some non-profits. Gail worked in the banking industry for 34 years. She enjoys gardening, sewing and crafting.

She is richly blessed with a son and daughter-in-law, 4 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren and is expecting more to come!


Mr. Douglas Beach - Principal Organist

Douglas is a native of Bel Air, Maryland, where he began taking piano lessons at age 5. 

A graduate of the Maryland Conservatory of music, he studied piano under Dr. Duke Thompon. In 2013, Douglas began a bachelors degree at Messiah College, now Messiah University, taking piano lessons from the Music Department’s Dean, Dr. Richard Roberson.  

Since graduating, he has served as Director of Music at St. John’s, Hain’s United church of Christ, Yorkshire United Methodist Church, and most recently at St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Lancaster City, where he currently resides. 

This past May, he decided to pursue a vocational change and is attending Liberty University’s flight school program in hopes of becoming a commercial airline pilot. 

Doug is thrilled to be involved at Hope Church and loos forward to sharing his gifts and talents in this capacity!


Mr. Terry Heisey - Adjunct Organist

Terry is the Organist at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Lebanon and join us at Hope Church one Sunday per month. He made his debut with us during our “Blue Christmas” service in 2023. 


Ms. Jo Steffy - Senior Warden

Jo Steffy is a long time follower of Jesus. She met him at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Medford Long Island in 1978, at the age of 22. Jo was baptized and confirmed into the Anglican Communion shortly thereafter. Jo has been a member of a number of Episcopal churches in her life due to geographical relocations. In her history she has been an Usher, greeter, lector, a Licensed Eucharistic Lay Minister, Sunday School teacher, Youth Group leader and Junior Warden. She loves the liturgy and music of the Episcopal tradition.

Recently widowed, Jo is a mother of 2 fine women, and a doting grandmother to 6. Jo moved to Pennsylvania from Medford Long Island in 1987, and makes her home in Myerstown.

Jo retired from the banking industry after serving 25 years, the last many as a regional manager. She attended Suffolk County Community College and Bucknell School of Commercial Banking.

Jo currently is a member of the Creation Care team, and leads and facilitates the Grief Ministry, GriefShare.

Jo looks forward to working with Father Bradley in her new position as Senior Warden.


Ms. Janelle Weckerly - Hospitality Coordinator

Growing up in a household of 6 in Selinsgrove, Janelle’s love of cooking naturally grew as she watched and assisted her mother in preparing meals and recipes for a growing family. As a stay-at-home mom, Janell’s mother believed in making everything from scratch. They enjoyed picking apples for milling applesauce, canning tomatoes, and making jams and jellies from seasonal fruit.

As a teenager, Janelle and her family moved to Lancaster to be closer to family. There she became a waitress for Distinctive Affairs Catering, eventually transitioning into a mentorship with the chef from 2002 to 2006. From this time, the saying “Neatness Counts” would stick with her more than anything else.

In 2006 Janelle decided a change was needed and started as a sous chef at a restaurant that was closer to home. Here she gained more experience, not only cooking but managing the kitchen. Within a year she stepped up as head chef and began developing her own style using inspiration from each individual along the way.

When the opportunity arose for Janelle to return to her passion of catering in 2010 she didn’t hesitate. Developing a partnership with Fairview Golf Course, they have grown in capabilities to cater to Lebanon County and it’s surrounding areas.

Today, Janelle is as passionate about catering as ever and continues to believe “Neatness Counts” not only in the kitchen, but in every aspect of life.


Mr. Micah Roldan - Digital Communications

Micah has been a wonderful part of our congregation for the past year, having been baptized at Shearers Creek in April 2024. His dedication to Creation Care and volunteerism at the Beth Shalom house has already made a significant impact. 

Now, with his talents in digital communication and production, he’s excited to grow in his ministry. Micah says, “With a deep love for evangelizing coupled with a passion for community, I’m excited to take on this role in digital communications.”



Ms. Stephanie Seaman - Livestream Coordinator

Stephanie is a lifelong member of Hope Church and faithfully reads the Psalms most Sundays.

She is our principal communications volunteer by running the weekly livestream.