5th Sunday After the Epiphany

HOLY EUCHARIST II Please join us for Sunday Service. If you cannot join in person, you can join the Live Stream here: https://www.youtube.com/@hopechurch5698/streams Follow along with the bulletin here: 5thSundayAfterEpiphany_25 Lunch will be served in the parish house after the service.  All are welcome to join us.

Yarn Ministry Meeting

Join us for the next meeting of the Yarn Ministry of Hope 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall.  All are welcome!  For more information, please contact Deacon Nancy at nlesher@hopeepiscopal.org or 410-61-5016 or Patty Gokey at 717-304-8511.

6th Sunday After the Epiphany

HOLY EUCHARIST II Please join us for Sunday Service. If you cannot join in person, you can join the Live Stream here: https://www.youtube.com/@hopechurch5698/streams Follow along with the bulletin here: 6thSundayAfterEpiphany_25 Check out upcoming events and announcements here: Lunch will be served in the parish house after the service.  All are welcome to join us.

To+gether Youth Ministry

We're excited to kick off “To+gether” next Thursday, January 16th! This vibrant community for young people gathers monthly on the Third Thursday of each month at the Parish House of Hope Episcopal Church. Each meeting begins with a shared meal - dinner is provided - followed by time for connection, worship, and spiritual growth. Come […]

7th Sunday After the Epiphany

Please join us for Sunday Service. If you cannot join in person, you can join the Live Stream here: https://www.youtube.com/@hopechurch5698/streams Follow along with the bulletin here:  7thSundayAfterEpiphany_25 Check out upcoming events and announcements here: BULLETIN INSERT Lunch will be served in the parish house after the service.  All are welcome to join us.

Last Sunday After the Epiphany

Please join us for Sunday Service. If you cannot join in person, you can join the Live Stream here: https://www.youtube.com/@hopechurch5698/streams Follow along with the bulletin here: LastSundayAfterEpiphany-25- MorningPrayer Check out upcoming events and announcements here:BULLETIN INSERT Lunch will be served in the parish house after the service.  All are welcome to join us.

First Sunday in Lent

Please join us for Sunday Service. If you cannot join in person, you can join the Live Stream here: https://www.youtube.com/@hopechurch5698/streams Follow along with the bulletin here: Check out upcoming events and announcements here: Lunch will be served in the parish house after the service.  All are welcome to join us.

Yarn Ministry Meeting

Join us for the next meeting of the Yarn Ministry of Hope 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall.  All are welcome!  For more information, please contact Deacon Nancy at nlesher@hopeepiscopal.org or 410-61-5016 or Patty Gokey at 717-304-8511.